
Innovax ILT


  • Vaccin pentru puii de găină contra laringotraheitei infețcioase și a boii Marek.

Product Description

Species Poultry.
  • Frozen suspension for solution for injection.
    The vaccine contains a cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (HUT strain /IL T -13 8), expressing glycoproteins gD and gl of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILT), a stabilizer (bovine serum), a cryoprotectant (dimethyl sulfoxide) and a preservative (gentamycin sulfate).
  • The Innovax IL T vaccine is intended for the prevention of Marek’s disease and infectious laryngotracheitis in breeding and commercial poultry farms of various growing directions, disadvantaged or threatened by these diseases.
Dosage and method of administration
  • Vaccination is subject to day-old chickens (in the first hours of life) or 18-day-old chicken embryos.
    The vaccine is administered to chickens subcutaneously in the upper third of the neck in a volume of 0.2 ml, and to embryos – in the allantoic cavity in a volume of 0.05 ml.
    The vaccine is administered using conventional or automatic syringe dispensers. The use of special automatic lines for the introduction of the vaccine into the embryo is allowed. Before vaccination, reusable syringes and needles are sterilized by boiling in distilled water for 20 minutes or autoclaved for 15 minutes at 121 °C. Do not use chemical disinfectants to sterilize instruments.
    Immediately before use, the vaccine ampoules are carefully removed from the Dewar vessel in the amount necessary to work for 2 hours, and quickly thawed by slightly twisting them and immersing them in a container of water (water bath) heated to a temperature of 25-27 ° C for approximately one minute (until the vaccine is completely dissolved).
    To dissolve the vaccine, a special solvent Nobilis Diluent SA is used, which is kept in the required amount at room temperature (15-25 ° C) for 8-12 hours before use.
    As soon as the vaccine has completely become liquid, the ampoules are immediately removed from the water bath, the remaining water from the surface of the ampoule is removed with a dry cloth, and dilution is immediately started.
    The ampoules are opened and their contents carefully combined with the solvent. To do this, the rubber stopper of the vial or the injection cannula of the plastic bag with the solvent is wiped with a cloth moistened with 70% alcohol or another antiseptic. After the alcohol has completely evaporated, the stopper of the vial or the injection cannula of the package is pierced with a sterile needle and, using a sterile syringe, the entire volume of the thawed vaccine is slowly, avoiding strong pressure on the piston, injected into the vial or package with a solvent at the rate of 200 ml of solvent per 1,000 doses of the vaccine – for subcutaneous route of administration; or 200 ml of solvent for 4000 doses of vaccine – for inoculation into the embryo.
    Then the ampoules are rinsed once with a solvent, which is also transferred into a vial. Thoroughly mix the contents of the vial with rotational movements, avoiding the formation of foam. Don’t shake too hard!
    If the vaccine is not used immediately after reconstitution, it must be placed on ice. The dissolved vaccine is used within 2 hours. As needed, but not less frequently than after vaccination of every 100 chickens, the contents of the vials are mixed to ensure the homogeneity of the cell suspension.
    Equipment for vaccination is connected to the infusion cannula of the package or vial suspended on a tripod.
  • It is forbidden to vaccinate a clinically ill and/or weakened bird.
  • The vaccine is not intended for use in poultry during the laying period.
    Meat, eggs and slaughter products obtained from vaccinated poultry are used without restriction, regardless of the timing of vaccination.
Release form
  • The vaccine is packaged in 1000 and 2000 inoculation doses (1.8 ml) in glass ampoules. Ampoules with the vaccine are fixed in a special painted metal clamps in an inverted position (base up) and placed in a Dewar vessel with liquid nitrogen. The presence of a frozen vaccine in the top of the ampoule indicates that the vaccine has been defrosted as a result of a violation of storage conditions. This vaccine is not suitable for use.

* Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Storage conditions The vaccine is stored and transported in a Dewar vessel with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C. Vaccine ampoules must be completely immersed in liquid nitrogen (storage in nitrogen vapor is not allowed).
Shelf life 18 months.
Innovax ILT

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