Дирофен 120 мг

Dirofen tablets for puppies and kittens

  • Broad spectrum anthelmintic.

Product Description

Species Dogs, cats.
    • Dirofen tablets 120 mg – for puppies and kittens;
    • Dirofen 200 mg – for dogs (small and medium breeds) and cats;
    • Dirofen 1000 mg – for large dogs.

    The tablets contain precisely selected doses of active ingredients such as pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel and febantel.

  • The drug is recommended for the treatment and prevention of helminthic invasions. The tool fights a wide range of internal parasites:
    • roundworms (nematodes) – toxocars, toxascarids, hookworms, uncinaria, whipworms;
    • flatworms (cestodes) – echinococcus, mesocystoids, bovine, pork and cucumber tapeworm, wide tapeworm.
Dosage and method of administration
  • The medicine is intended for oral administration. During treatment, it should be taken into account that:
    • prior “starvation” or taking laxatives is not required;
    • tablets are given in the morning (on an empty stomach) with a small portion of regular food.

    If there are problems with feeding, it is allowed:

    • enter into the pharynx – including using a tablet dispenser;
    • “Disguise” the tablet with your pet’s favorite treat or put it in sausage / cheese.

    Dosing recommendations depend on the content of active substances and the weight of the animal. The dose for admission is determined from the following ratios:

    • Dirofen 120 mg – 1 tab. per 1 kg of weight;
    • Dirofen 200 mg – 1 tab. for 5 kg;
    • Dirofen 1000 mg – 1 tab. for 20 kg.

    There is no need to round the dose up – the tablet can be divided into 2/4 parts.

    The scheme depends on the purpose and type of the identified invasion. For prophylaxis and before vaccination / viscous, the medicine is given once.

    Deworming in two stages is necessary:

    • for prevention in places of group stay of animals;
    • in the presence of a confirmed diagnosis (with an accurate definition of the pathogen – round / flat, mixed) and severe symptoms of invasion.

    The interval between the first and second stages should be 14 days, but the amount of treatment will differ with:

    • nematodoses – 1 time per day, then repeated one-day intake after 14 days;
    • cestodoses and combined invasions – 1 time per day for 3 days, after 14 days the three-day intake is repeated.

    To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to comply with dosages and treatment regimens. If the planned use was missed, the drug is given as soon as possible, without changing the dose and the interval between doses in the future.

  • Tablets should not be given to puppies and kittens under the age of 3 weeks. Also, the drug is contraindicated in:
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including previously detected);
    • pregnancy (during the first half of the term);
    • lactation (in the first 14 days after birth);
    • exhaustion;
    • infectious diseases;
    • weakened state after a serious illness or surgery.
    • With caution, under the supervision of a veterinarian, it is allowed to use the drug:
    • during pregnancy (21 days before the planned birth);
    • during lactation – not earlier than 14-21 days after birth.
Release form
  • 6 tablets are placed in a paper blister or plastic tube with tamper evident.
Storage conditions
  • Store in original package. Protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Store separately from food and animal feeding at +5 -25°С.
Shelf life 3 years from the date of production.
Dirofen tablets for puppies and kittens

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