Sulf 120 for dogs

Sulf 120 for dogs


  • Medicament complex indicat peroral în scopuri terapeutice la câini și pisici.

Product Description

Species Dogs.
Composition Trimethoprim and sulfadiazine are active ingredients. 1 Sulf-120 tablet contains 0.1 g of sulfadiazine and 0.02 g of trimethoprim; 1 Sulf-480 tablet contains 0.4 g of sulfadiazine and 0.08 g of trimethoprim.
Indications Use Sulf for treatment of dogs and cats with bacterial infections of respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, skin, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis and other diseases agents of which are susceptible to trimethoprim and sulfadiazine.
Dosage and method of administration Administered with a treat. Daily dose: Sulf-120 – 1 tablet per 4 kg of body weight. Sulf-480 – 1 tablet per 16 kg of body weight. It is recommended to divide a daily dose in two portions and give it to an animal every 12 hours (in the morning and evening). Treatment course is 5-7 days.
Contraindications Increased individual sensitivity to sulfanilamides and trimethoprim, disorders of hematogenesis organs, liver or kidneys. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating females.

Adverse events

During Sulf administration adverse events and complications are not generally observed. Stop drug administration in case of increased individual sensitivity and allergic reactions.

Release form

Drugs are manufactured in three dispensings: Sulf-120 for cats, Sulf-120 for dogs, Sulf-480 for dogs (6 tablets in blister). Outer package – carton.
Storage conditions Store in closed original package. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Store separately from food and animal feeding at 0-25°С. Shelf life is 3 years from manufacturing date.
Sulf 120 for dogs

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