
Insecto-acaricide powder

  • Treatment and prevention of cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and poultry (chickens) affected by ectoparasites.

Product Description

Species Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and birds.
  • 100 g of the preparation contains the active substance: deltamethrin – 0.05 g.
    Excipient: calcium carbonate (deactivated chalk).
  • Treatment and prevention of cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and poultry (chickens) affected by ectoparasites:
    ⦁ ixodid ticks of the family Ixodidae;
    ⦁ sarcoptic mites (Sarcoptes suis, S. ovis, S. Caprae, S. bovis, S. canis, Psoroptes bovis, P. ovis);
    ⦁ chicken mites (Dermanissus gallinae);
    ⦁ lice (Haematopinus euristernus, H. suis, Linognatus vituli, L. ovillus, L. setosus);
    ⦁ fleas (Ctenocephalides canis, Vermipsylla alacurt, V. dorcadia);
    ⦁ withers (Bovicola bovis, B. caprae, Trichodectes canis);
    ⦁ lice (Menopon gallinae);
    ⦁ gadflies (Hypoderma bovis);
    ⦁ horseflies (genera Tabanus, Hybomitra, Atylotus, Chrysops, Haematopota);
    ⦁ flies (Musca domestica, Stomoxys calcitrans, Haematobia stimulans, etc.).
  • Preventive treatment of poultry houses.
Dosage and method of administration
  • The drug is applied to the skin of an animal by powdering at a dose per animal (depending on the intensity of invasion and body weight of the animal): cattle – 100-200 g sheep, goats, pigs – 50-100 g dogs-20-50 g .
  • For better effectiveness, the drug is rubbed with a brush into the deep layers of the hairline on the neck, back and other parts of the body.
  • Chicken houses are treated against ectoparasitic invasions at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 m2 in the absence of birds. The bird is treated with a spray at the rate of 10-15 g of the drug per head.
  • For prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use baths of sand (2 kg), or chalk (2 kg), or ash (0.5 kg) with the addition of insecticidal powder (100 g).
  • Do not treat sick and weakened animals!
  • Do not treat animals with skin diseases!
  • Do not process young animals under the age of 2 months!
  • Do not handle animals during pregnancy!
  • Personnel who work with the drug must follow the basic rules of hygiene and safety adopted when working with veterinary drugs.

  • While working with the drug, it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke.

  • After work, wash your hands with soap and water.

  • If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them with water. Upon contact with the drug, allergic reactions (sneezing, lacrimation) are possible, which quickly pass.

Release form
  • Polyethylene or polypropylene bottles of 50 g, plastic buckets of 1000 g.
Storage conditions
  • Store in original package. Protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Store separately from food and animal feeding at +5 +25°С.
Shelf life 3 years.
Insecto-acaricide powder

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Small cattle